

i dont like you and i know you dont like me either.if you wanna be my friend, you gotta stand this weird and freakishly odd character.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

small world

i think i should really sing this song:
its a small world after all.

as usual,i saw him in the morning
then in the afternoon ate at kfc
couldnt believe my very own eyes
i saw him again
he walked into kfc
when i saw him
i look the other way,
pretending not to know anything
so cool ok.

i met him unexpectedly outside peninsular
and when i saw him,i acted like i didnt know him.
haha. so dao.
then now i meet him at kfc.
i hope to bump into him again. (=

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

all alone.

i didnt expect to meet him on the bus.
he was sitting beside me
and i wanted to laugh so badly.
i kept on seeing the reflected image of him on the window.
den later alighted the bus and he is more kiasu than me.
walk so catching the train.
but actually he only meet his fren.

got gifts from frens.
but i want a gift from you!

Saturday, February 11, 2006

miss you nights

It was love at first sight on the second of July
Met him on the train
four times in one week
It was a little bit of magic
and the time stood still

ystd my dream was scarry ok.
i dreamt that he was leaving singapore during the june hols.
i just miss him too much.
im head over heels in love with him.

Friday, February 03, 2006

hey you.

i saw him today again.
i think he is trying to avoid me.
so sad.

i used my new ball today.
very nice.
i ranked 6th place in the bowling team.
i think i can do better.
i enjoyed training though i was was sick.
took panadol during training.
got a splitting headache.
damn pain.
i dont like being sick.
im gonna put up the new neoprints we took on friday.
i think it rocks.
it was better than the rest i took the last time.

hey writing to you.
not to tell you that i still love you.
just to ask you how you feel.
how this fell we fell apart.
are you happy out there in this great wide world.
do you think about the times that we spent together.
when you lay your head do you sleep at you even wonder if im alright.